I was the victim of that cancel culture in October of 2021 as a Chiropractor in Rhode Island. The Rhode Island Department of 'Health' informed all licensed providers that if they did not show proof of "a shot in the arm" by October 1st, that the fine for opening the office and practicing was $300/day that we were open, 30-90 days in jail per day that we were open and a felony charge. I presented proof of immunity through bloodwork and the legal team at the DOH of RI replied that, "No serological test can satisfy the mandate, only proof of a shot in the arm." When asked what their shot was for, if not for the immunity I proved, there was no reply and I had to shut my office down without time to sell it, sell my home and move to a Free State of New Hampshire to start from scratch after 30 years in practice. These Covid crimes are real and there are real consequences to us that chose not to be injected with an experimental biological agent which is proving to be quite dangerous indeed. I am an ordained Christian minister and could not take the shots even if I wanted to because they were all made using aborted fetal cells and/or tested on them but my religious rights were ignored. I'm grateful that the public is rallying around Dr. Jordan Peterson however it's 'too much, too late'.

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Wow. Good on you. What part of New Hampshire? I lived in Portsmouth and Nashua. I would love to meet with you. I am currently in Maine.

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My office is Bright Light Chiropractic in Hooksett, NH in the building with Shooter's Outpost.

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I was just listening to that interview. To anyone who’s a Jordan Peterson fan, I recommend it. He was very vulnerable and gave a good glimpse into the toll these things take on him. He’s human, he gets overwhelmed, but he’s driven to not back down--something we literally want to cheer out loud for. We need him to survive this.

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This has gotten so out of hand! They think they can censor anyone who doesn't agree with them. The doctors who are sitting back quietly in fear need to grow a spine and support the truth. We will never trust them until this happens.

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The new lawsuit against the Trusted News Initiative is huge. Peterson and many of us were undoubtedly persecuted by those tyrants. There will be major revelations and compensation.

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Thank you for amplifying this, Jefferey! Great post and great work on The Highwire, always my favorite part of the show.

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This is unbelievable and Peterson should NEVER back down to these tyrants. So who are the 11% of knit wits that sided with the college?

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All the WEFers and sheep.....

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Lets take care of Jordan, he was there for us, now it's our turn. We are the minority so we better stick together. This is not over by a long shot.

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I say “Way to go Jordan Peterson “ for free speech!

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Great reporting as always! Thanks to you and so many others for fighting tyranny. We thought WWII and the aftermath should have prevented everything that’s happening now. But we were wrong.

The good in human nature must fight every day in every way. If people had followed the one good thing that came out of the unsuccessful war against drugs, they would “Just Say No!” That one word NO is the most powerful in our language. Failure to use it allows tyrants to flourish. We must stand together and refuse to comply, or we will lose everything. They never give in, they never give up. Neither should we!

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We got your back brother Jordan! The free spirit of man is about to blow back against this evil. I believe that all free thinking men and women of the world have endured enough and are ready to stand together and snuff out the evil doers beginning about...NOW!!

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Australia has these draconian ‘laws’ for health professionals as well. My nursing career ended when I refused the shot. However not supporting the childhood schedule of harm, especially speaking out against it could have led to my de-registration as far back as at least 5 years ago. Parallel communities, and create our own realities or Global rallies, face jail and huge fines and /or huge costs from law suites-which way? Both ways?

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10th October 2022 - Q'land Parliament passed a Bill that "Doctors CANNOT give an OPINION".

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It is beyond ridiculous. So what path do we take?

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It may be that Ontario is the place where they (the powers that be) try out their draconian initiatives, as the attacks on doctors seemed to start there too. This video from NZ, where attacks on Kiwi doctors quickly followed, references statements from the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO) on 30 April 2021 (at 2:00) and the response from a group of brave dissenters - Canadian Physicians for Science and Truth (at 23:00)


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PS Here is the court filing by Jordan Peterson against the College of Psychologists of Ontario (via the Toronto Sun): https://torontosun.com/news/provincial/read-the-court-filing-by-jordan-peterson-against-the-college-of-psychologists-of-ontario

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Physician Meryl Nass is also suing her licensure board in Maine after they suspended her for advocating alternative treatments for COVID 19.

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Clockwork Orange attempt on a vocferoious non-violent, but intellent individual...

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Idaho has this class and those who peacefully protested during covid were ordered to take their, “Thinking Errors class.” For those who refused the class, they faced jail time.

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Can you send a link or a description?

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There is a man who protested the mask mandates in a health board member’s neighborhood (legally, on a public sidewalk) for less than ten minutes and was charged with disturbing the peace. The health board member had taken zoom meetings from her home and broke open meeting laws so a small group of people went to the neighborhood to protest. Specifically, this man banged on a bucket to make noise for those ten minutes and another man used children’s sidewalk chalk to write on the sidewalk. The first man is in jail for an egregiously long 6 months because he refused the thinking errors course and the first man was charged with graffiti for the washable sidewalk chalk on the public sidewalk.

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It is British Columbia's provincial Bill 36, not a federal Canadian bill.

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I offer a slightly different spin, focusing on truth instead of freedom: https://rumble.com/v248qkk-jordan-peterson-speaks-twitter-truth-to-leftist-lies-which-is-a-most-unusua.html. I also believe it is important for us to acknowledge the harm these tyrants have caused us and often with the help of big-money elites, major corporations, and intelligence services. Peterson is exemplar of the trauma-post-trauma resilience soldiering capacity all of us need to discover if we are to stop the tyranny.

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I don't know about Peterson. He gave a softball interview to Bibi.

Because of the criticism, he stated that he was against online anonymity.

He doesn't practice what he preaches.

Remember, he told the people get the damned shot. That was another time he forgot his own values.

This attack on him will just give him more credibility. I hope he wins but I'm not cheering for him, I'm cheering to stop this censorship and harassment against free speech.

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You’re taking his “get the damned vaccine” comment out of context. He basically said:

I got it. I don’t know if it was right, but I did, and “I encourage others to get the damned vaccine” so we can get out of this pandemic.

Regardless, Jaxen’s story is about Peterson being threatened for his free speech, not about his interview with Netanyahu. You’re committing the common logical “ad hominem” fallacy.

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Ad hominem is attacking your opponent with name-calling, rather than addressing their arguments. Also, even with the extra verbiage, it doesn't appear that Rob took Peterson's statement out of context.

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