Me don't think so. There's Florida Gov Ron DeSantis' The Closing the Covid Theater, Dr Reiner Fuellmich's Corona Investigative Committee ongoing and coming 'Crimes Against Humanity Tour USA,' plus conservative news outlets got FOIA request from FDA about Pfizer's data and government colluding with the media, debunking germ theory, SARS-CoV2 supposedly causing Covid-19 pandemic can't be isolated, virus don't exist, no such thing as asymptomatic Covid-19 transmission, what else... I think as governments dropping mask mandate to vaccination mandate this Covid-19 theater's criminality just about to be exposed and busted big time.

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Rather than lockdowns, my prediction of what's coming is the passports/digital IDs. TPTB need to implement digital IDs to usher in cashless society-based social credit system/social impact financing. SO, what will happen (if I'm right), is what's already happening in my husband's place of work: Only those with a "V" on their helmet (vaccinated), will be allowed to work sans face diaper. Pretty soon, there will be a pubic outcry that "We need SOME WAY to know who is vaccinated and who is not," and stickers just won't cut it. Thus, our saviors will swoop in with QR codes to make it convenient. Digital IDs will start with the "health passports" and be expanded to include banking and other records. Then, your life can be turned on and off at the click of a mouse if you don't follow the rules. And better yet (for the predator class), your movements and behaviors can be tracked and fed into the social impact finance system as data they can bet on (invest in). Data is the new gold.

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stephanie, you've done your research well, and you are right on "the money"......we can expect this, as its already in operation in 13 stares.....thanks for sharing

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If “They” can come up with any reason the lockdowns will return. So many are saying this is so great, I no longer need a mask or vaccine pass to go around my neighborhood. Thankful, really. Our fundamental basic rights were yanked away from us. As we get them back let’s not forget how negative this all was especially the response. There are many studies that prove the Societal cost of the restrictions and mandatory vaccinations (Thanks for the new definition of vaccine so we can call this a vaccine circa 2021)far outweigh the benefits. People need to be elected and laws need to be passed to make sure nothing like this can ever happen again.

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“Squeeze & release, squeeze & release” … the tactics of tyrannical leaders

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Another hopeful example of the shift in consciousness is the crowdsourcing effort that has started to review the 55,000 pages of data FDA was recently required to submit under FOIA. See: Documents Analysis - WarRoom

We're asking volunteers to read through the 55,000 pages of findings related to the Pfizer vaccine trials to find helpful and/or illuminating evidence or findings. https://campaigns.dailyclout.io/campaign/brand/cc3b3e5a-6536-4738-8ed6-5ee368c67240

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I do think there was a plan to go from COVID dismissal if you will right into a war. But for what sordid reason or reasons I cannot say. No doubt something way deeper than my simple brain can understand

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It's part of a bigger plan to essentially destroy global economies with inflation and starve people with food supply chain issues. At the same time they want us to cower in fear at the prospect of a nuclear war. If we're scared and hungry enough, they believe most people will kow tow and comply with whatever they say to feel safe.

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Praying a dangerous variant doesn’t emerge from the mass inoculations.

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Why are people still so attached to government in its current form. It has now been shown clearly that any laws passed now to "make sure nothing like this can ever happen again" can be changed in an instant. Think Patriot Act - all that was needed to convince Americans they no longer needed constitutional rights was to demolition two very large public buildings, sorry three, and blame it on some Arabs whose passports were "luckily" found in the wreckage shortly after the buidlings came down. FEAR rules and when power remains centralised, this will always keep happening. We need to decentralise power and then this can truly never happen again. Cheers.

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Have you read about the extreme lockdowns in Shanghai where thousands of Chinese are committing suicide, children who test "positive" for covid are seized from their parents and place in overcrowded "quarantine" centers, pets are killed on the streets and people are starving? The once bustling streets of cosmopolitan Shanghai are a ghost town patrolled by drones and robotic dogs--a dystopian nightmare! Please pray for the Chinese people and remain ever vigilant in protecting our own freedom and 2nd amendment gun rights in America. Click on link to article: https://medicalkidnap.com/2022/04/10/protests-looting-pets-destroyed-and-mass-suicides-in-shanghai-china-as-people-starve-during-lockdowns/

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Well done and I hope you are right JJ, but seems like memories are short and Americans tend to look to government for solutions, which is exactly what they want!! You are right about "wagging the dog!"

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I just was alerted to this today. An interesting take.


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