The very idea of multiple injections violates the basic premise of these "vaccines": that they are supposed to be a remedy for immune naivete. If you need more than one injection, the goal is not immunity, but benchmarks that get the product across the finish line.

They are increasingly eradicating naivete about the intentions of these global "public health" cartels, however.

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The Nasties KNOW we're very quickly gaining in numbers now... They're shitting themselves because they're being told the underside of the bus is going to be their new View of Life...

Watch their panic... Pretty soon the streets will be full of people with Mussolini Mindsets...

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I hope you are right-

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I think that's why they came up with the special international classification codes for identifying those who are totally unjabbed with mRNA or vector gene jabs. They didn't make classification codes for people who didn't get other vaccines - just for not getting Covid-19 jabs. So clearly they are only interested in tracking and logging them for that one difference. So fishy to me.

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Covid was the warm up for the digital money/surveillance/social credit state. See China.

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And ongoing vaccines to keep the morgues full...

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They've queered their own pitch with the COVID shots. Too many people have realised that they're not safe and won't ever take another. Therefore, it will be impossible to use vaccination as the excuse for digital IDs, although doubtless they'll still try.

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Too many will ladeeda.

Evil thrives with people’s indifference.

For me and my family.

I will not kneel to Fascist

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Even though the vaccine was a harmful failure. It is high time to name these criminals for what they are. The WEF needs to be dismantled. It is a criminal organization set against the people people. They say themselves they infiltrate governments and corrupt our politicians. So why are our politicians there? Because they are corrupt. They need to be called out. They are breaking the laws.

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The vaxxines were not a harmful failure. They are working as designed. The financial implosion coming as a result of decades of generational theft is too big to stop or control. They need many many of us dead so that they can keep what's left of the wealth they've stolen from the future.

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true, also the enormity of the crime, mass murder, is too difficult for people to understand, let alone believe that this could happen.

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I remember a certain scientist coming out and giving us deeply visceral warnings about Covid, danger of the jabs and what was to be a far worse evil to come-it was really too far fetched at the time for most people to swallow. Most put off as insanity or tin hat syndrome….a few of us adding the dots of common sense and a bit of reason listened. But now a little too late? Clearly seeing this agenda, and seeing these same people were at the Plandemic forum in NYC a few months prior to Covid? The audacity of it all- yet they still getting away with it all. Every person should be screaming from the mountaintops! Every person should be prepared to stand up for their freedoms while they still can. Who gives the Davos Elite the power? How do we limit that power or take it back?

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We refuse to COMPLY. It's that simple. The end of the Global Fraud is near, but the financial doom that it was supposed to cover up will be felt for a long time.

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I fear the financial doom will make the plandemic troubles seem like a walk in the park.

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That was all part of the plan-financial instability-of the world. For us in the US we just watched them (the administration under Fauci’s magic wand) drain our National Treasury. Without a thought. No one batted an eye (well the mainstream anyway).

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The banksters of the Federal Reserve have been draining the wealth of the country since 1913. But, as you say, no one batted an eye.

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It was a last desperate attempt to grab what they could... Just like Ukraine... a giant money-laundering operation. The US doesn't give a rat's ass about Ukraine. So, yeah, unless you took the jab and are now maimed or dead, the financial trouble we face, ALL because of greedy, cheating, lying fuckers and NOTHING WE have done-- it's going to be rough. But I think it will also be an opportunity for us to REINVENT ourselves, to rediscover our communities, and to build our lives around those communities, and not around CENTRALIZED BANKS... In other words, on the other side of this lies a better way, and WE WILL GET THERE.

(It seems we have to re-learn, as a nation, some significant lessons from time to time, because we are deliberately duped... hopefully this lesson will STICK.)

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Well yes, deliberately duped (the masses of the sheep anyway) they’re still choosing to be duped -and it’s a large portion of our population. They still asking for more, in light of the things we clearly see yet they fail to acknowledge. Those choosing the cliff will be reason we will fall into financial ill repair- and ultimately chaos.

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Dumbed-down, drugged, poisoned, lied to, and taught to let other people handle the tough issues... Time for Americans to grow up and be like the adults our grandparents were...

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Jan 19, 2023·edited Jan 19, 2023

Some Substack columnists are reporting empty seats, klausy not showing much, and billy leaving early as signs davos/elites are unraveling. They are being played. As usual, Jefferey's reporting is spot-on.

The elites will not go quietly and this is just round 1.

Expect years of hardships/fights ahead.

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You got it right: “leaders . . . collude without the consent of the people.” This would be wannabe leaders.

And Tony Blair just destroyed any good reputation he might still have with the people of the UK. Does he even know what a “digital infrastructure” is? What was he paid to be there and speak?

And of course, the last thing we need is more vax. Who is going to pay for the vax research? The WEF? Of course not! It’s us, the tax payers and citizens. The ones who will only regret being coerced into accepting yet another unsafe drug.

Meanwhile, the FDA still doesn’t have a list of ingredients in the vax products from Pfizer and Moderna. Perhaps this is their new world order?

“Will the public accept new multi-dose vaccines unpinned by even less safety testing and transparency than the mRNA Covid shots?” I hope NOT!

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I feel like I’m screaming all the time (in my head). SCREAMING. Where the hell is everyone and why aren’t they seeing what is happening?

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Because taking the red pill means no more blissful ignorance.

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If They Hold The Power To Introduce Digital Global Vaccine Passports , . . . Perhaps Now Is The Time for the General Public To `Push-Back` and Demand Immediate "SCREENINGB4VACCINES" For "CONTRAINDICATION" Prior To Administration To Reduce The Current Devastating Incidence Of Serious Adverse Event Following Vaccination From Vaccine Associated Injury.

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I doubt any screening would be legit. Likely fraudulent. I wouldn't trust them. Deception has been around every corner. 😖

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No, I will never take another vaccine in my life, so no need for a vaccine passport. It is obvious that these people speaking are bought and paid. They keep talking about vaccines like it is the only health solution in the world when anyone with an ounce of understanding of worlds most important health issues knows that vaccines do not address any of these other problems. There is no other explanation for these people to keep pushing vaccines other than these people are simply saying what they have been paid to say. I never realized how despicable human beings can be.

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Jeff this is good info, but still neither you nor Del talk about the obvious fact that no sars virus has been found. With all the papers you read on the Highwire, why do you skip the most important-the one that says they "found" the virus, though only printed a fabricated genome from a computer:



You need to honestly confront this Devil in the details.

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As much as I love Del, I also found this discussion with Drs. Samantha & Mark Bailey, Tom Cowan & Andrew Kaufman very compelling. Utilizing footage from an interview with Derrick Broze, they examine Del's views on the "existence" of viruses.


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I want to see research on this too.

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Hi, click the protonmagic link I put above and see the research.

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As pharmaceutical companies gear up for making potentially hundreds of new mRNA injections, when are we going to point out that they are an unsustainable industry and rely on fossil fuels for their manufacture? If we are going to reduce our dependence upon fossil fuels, we should not be supporting an industry that makes the consumption worse.

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I do agree not to get any shots but, can you provide a paper proving mRNA in the shots, ie purification and quantification? I think this paper does not exist, happy you prove me wrong.

Here you can rethink what "fossil fuels" are: https://atlasreport.substack.com/p/abiotic-oil

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When the CBDCs are rolled out, they will silence all dissenters. Civil wars. Total chaos.

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Have cash gold and silver on hand. Act / buy locally.

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Jan 21, 2023·edited Jan 21, 2023

And DeFi crypto currencies like Bitcoin, which is the opposite of (thus competitive to) CBDCs because it's DEcentralized (ie no one entity has power/control over it).

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My comment should not make you feel that your post is anything but excellent... Because you've covered this in a very intelligent way, good job!

My response? To a bunch of Gark psychotards who aren't even ELECTED? Using my most eloquent language, my response is this:


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Could we all please stop referring to the Rich people at Davos as Elite. They are not elite they are rich egomaniacs. Let stop the elite word & find a better word to describe the ego's of the rich. Subliminal messaging is real. They already think they are elite, stop reinforcing it.

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I just call them the gutter trash.

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Agreed. I think "psychopaths" is more accurate.

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They are such fools. There scheme failed, and yet they pretend that a person’s vaccination status matters or means something just so that they can move forward with their diabolical plan.

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