CDC is not a government agency, it's a private corporation profiteering of death and disability of Americans. It remains to be seen how much Weldon or anyone else can do because CDC will hide behind its private status. CDC should be stripped of the powers it assumed for itself (as nobody ever gave them these powers legally). Most importantly, the federal funding that is sent throughout the land to enforce the illegal power of CDC to kill and injure our children via its demonic "schedule" should be cut off immediately.

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I remember how school boards and the CDC acted as ping pong paddles when parents fought vaccines as conditions to attend. Each pointed to the other as the reason why the kids had to get jabbed. CDC was like, we just recommend, and schools were like, we just enforce what CDC recommends. Of course CDC guidelines are the fuel for all the Karen moms to insist on jabs! CDC needs to do a 180 on vaccines 💉 or be shut down!

We used to have centers for disease control where I grew up. They were called baseball diamonds, ice rinks, and basketball courts. We had too much fun 🤩 to ever get sick. Well, at least not “disease” sick.

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No, the CDC is not salvageable. It should be reduced to collecting accurate, organized, and publicly available data. CDC should only recommend but never enforce or coerce vaccines, quarantines, masks, or any other medical or social interventions.

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It should be reduced to rubble.

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The CDC never had enforcement authority.

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It will take a person profound integrity and conscience to handle the job. I wonder which dead-ender Zionist will be nominated by President-Elect Trump?

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Finally, there willbe someone not afraid to challenge the vaccine myths and the horrific damage inflected upon those who trusted the so called experts.

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Get rid of all vaccine mandates in schools.

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My suggestion for the CDC is to do a full audit of the agency with an eye to exposing its complete betrayal of public trust and then drive a stake through the heart of this perverse monstrosity, one that is consuming its host, and shutter it completely. As a nation we need to do some very deep soul searching.

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Yes, and get rid of orgs like GAVI that promote shots and Planned Parenthood that promote baby removal and people like Gates, Fraudchi, and the Globalists that are mostly into eugenics IMHO.

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Lord of the flies baal gates is at the root of much of this eg GAVI is part of his evil empire. He needs to be RICOd minimum asap and charged with crimes against humanity. Guillotine to make sure.

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The Dumbocrats IMHO too since they are trying to start a a WWIII over Russia protecting themselves since they are on the side of the Ukraine and don't want DJT back in the WH (even though he won in a landslide and more than half the world is with DJT) that could kill the whole world.

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Hoping for sweeping changes to make sure no one is harmed!

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Weldon would be a great pick to drain the swamp. He understands the risks and fraud being committed by the CDC, ACIP and all vaccine manufacturers. Vaccines are the greatest fraud in the history of medicine. This systemic harming of our children needs to end now.

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Here we go again....."We need to make sure the Experimental Jabs are Safe" ....Wake up! THAT'S SCIENTIFICALLY IMPOSSIBLE!! Each new Pharma MRNA Jab Money Spinner falling off their eagerly sought conveyer belt will be BY DEFINITION, UNSAFE. They will continue each time to use The Public as their Post Marketing Guinea Pigs......We do not need 'access to any 'Safety Data' (what a sick Convid joke that turned out to be!) Nor do we need any expensively appointed 'Leader' to tell us the blindingly obvious fact that Jabs kill and maim people in ever huge numbers.

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Ah, but some people do need to be told. And told by someone "official." I agree with you. But too many don't. So we need someone in leadership that can expose all the shenanigans of the past and break the back of the corrupt system.

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If you think anyone connected with anyone who brought you 'The Warp Speed' Convid Jab has your best interest at heart you need to re-focus your thoughts and just think simply and slowly. What are the odds? Biden (or his controllers) assaulted you with it, and the coming Cartel ('Administration') to this day PROUDLY proclaim they invented it!! RECLAIM YOUR ABILITY TO THINK EVERYONE.......

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There is some thought that Trump helped the people avoid ten years of lockdowns bc he got the convid vaxx going and that when he says it saved millions of lives it isn’t from convid that he is talking about. But from the psychopaths, whose plans for the people were far, far worse than what they did manage to drop on everyone.

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Janice I think he unambiguously says his greatest achievement was the 'Warp Speed (Tm)' Jab. "It was the Jab that saved millions of lives" he's proud of the Jab.

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It will be refreshing to know someone in charge cares and is on our side. The three letter agencies need to go down until they can be restructured.

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Considering their ENTIRE raison d'etre is and has always been to protect industry FROM the public (not vice versa), they should be abolished completely!


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Wonderful article - provides awesome context. Thank you.

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I really like this pick - in contrast to the possible (train wreck of a) new Surgeon General. Typical Trump - all over the place!

Thanks for a positive report on Dr Weldon.

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Shut it down. Amputate.

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We need to remain eternally vigilant and be on the lookout for the emergence of future forms of aggression in the form of new Federal and State agencies with names like The Centers for Health Information and Promotion (CHIP). New boss, same as the old boss.

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Like The Center for Brain Health -- studying how best to turn humans into machines!

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The CDC is beyond salvaging. There is no public trust for it and it never should have been trusted. It’s another unnecessary consumer of tax dollars, which pretty soon, won’t be available for anything but servicing the national debt anyhow. Chop chop.

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IMHO, all the lettered agencies, including the UN, need to be redesigned if they can't be salvaged. They also must have a few MAGA people (not RINOs) to help with the redesign,

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They all need to be completely abolished. Before the (industry-protecting) regulatory apparatus was created, the free market ACTUALLY protected consumers.

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I think the question is -- is TRUMP even salvageable at this point? I gave up on him after he and his techno bankster military buddies let all the death and destruction of the last 5 years happen.

The CDC and all of Pharma should be turned upside-down and shaken like an Etch-A-Sketch drawing. Buh-bye FOREVER to their propaganda and profits while all life suffers.

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The very idea of "public" health needs to be exposed as a way to manipulate and control the "public". There is only individual health for which the individual is responsible. The government is responsible for keeping our environment free from poisons in the air, water and earth and it does a terrible job in this area.

"Can You Catch A Cold?" is a new book which shows that the many studies that have tried to prove that illness can be transferred from one individual to another one have never been successful.

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Their idea of public health is to euthanize the entire public with life saving poison to keep the herd aka public safe from bs!

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Right. Real public health would prioritize the health issues in a logical order and address them accordingly. Let’s start with the epidemic of neurodevelopmental disorders increasing at a logarithmic rate.

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Didn't public health develop from the nursing profession? They were always being coerced by the doctors, and I believe currently public health is thoroughly under the thumb of the pharmo-medical industry. I think they have more of a prevention impulse, but their tools/script are limited.

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100%, thank you!

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If the mainstream doesn’t like him that is a good sign this was a good pick!

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When an institution like the CDC goes to extraordinary lengths to obscure vaccine safety data, it speaks volumes about their intentions & credibility. It's a clear case of res ipsa loquitur—the thing speaks for itself. Here we have a supposed bastion of public health:

Me: Are the vaccines safe?

CDC: Absolutely, they are safe.

Me: Then provide the data to substantiate this claim.

CDC: No, trust us. You must accept our assurances without question.

This refusal to present tangible evidence is not just bureaucratic opacity; it's indicative of a deeper malaise, where transparency is sacrificed at the altar of control. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. wasn't far off the mark when he labeled such authorities as nothing more than "high priests of a religion." They demand faith, not facts. They thrive on the belief that their word should be gospel, without the need for scientific validation or the raw data that would allow the public to draw their own conclusions. This isn't science; it's dogma.

In a society that prides itself on enlightenment & evidence-based decision-making, this stance is not just unscientific; it's morally bankrupt. When health agencies, funded by taxpayers, treat safety data like sacred, inaccessible texts, they're not guardians of health but rather gatekeepers of a narrative. They've transformed from regulators to zealots, where questioning the sanctity of their decisions becomes heresy.

The demand for transparency isn't just about vaccine safety; it's about upholding the integrity of science, democracy, & the trust that should exist between a government & its people. Without data, there is no debate, no informed consent, just blind faith in an institution that has shown it likely does not deserve such trust.

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