"CAN WE TRUST THE MEDICAL COMMUNITY WITH OUR KIDS?" Can we trust the federal, state and local government industrial complex, intelligence agency industrial complex, military industrial complex, hospital industrial complex, banking system industrial complex, pharmaceutical industrial complex, justice system industrial complex (judges, police, jails), religion industrial complex, environmental industrial complex, energy industrial complex, education industrial complex, media industrial complex, etc. with our best interests individually or as a nation, then you have your answer. Why would you "trust" anybody with your children - for any reason?!

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No we haven't been able to trust the medical community with children or people of any age for as long as I can remember. Just one recent example, look at the sweet little boy, Cyrus, in ID who was taken from his parents by CPS and was finally returned to his parents for missing a doctor's appt. Luckily, the Lt. Governor got furious about the situation as well as the 1000s of calls and letters that were made in protest.

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We do not and can not trust the medical community, especially with our children. Their desire for control as well as their greed has finally been exposed to all.

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Mar 19, 2022·edited Mar 19, 2022

Combine the CDC-caused “learning setbacks, emotional stunting, anxiety disorders and slowed language development” with the pre-existing (near exponential) increase in neurodevelopment disorders (CDC & FDA-caused) from a hyper-accerlerated immunization schedule starting at birth, and schools are no longer places where learning can be prioritized. Mitigation measures must be taken in nearly every elementary school classroom today to insure the safety of all students and teachers due to the unimaginable disruption and violence that occurs on a daily basis. In only ten years it is expected that 75-80% of all boys will experience neurodevelopmental issues on the autism spectrum.

Our country is going to grind to a halt within the next 12-15 years. No one’s talking about the impact of health policies on kids. Like natural immunity to Covid and the infinitesimally small death rates due to Covid, discussion has been drowned out by the corporatists media and Big Tech.

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Medical Mafia is a better name. There is NO Medical Community of doctors any more.

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NO govt agency, Dr, or politician knows your child better than you do. It sets a dangerous precedent to allow kids to be vaccinated without parental consent because kids may not remember if they had any issues with prior vaccination. If a child gets vaccinated and the parents are unaware, if their child has a bad reaction and needs medical treatment, they won’t know what to tell the ER Drs. It would be an unsafe situation that puts kids at risk. Even worse, some states are trying to get the insurance companies to hide the info from the parents. If my insurance company is paying a bill for my child, I have a right to know. This is medical tyranny and it must stop. Repeal the vaccine act of 1986 and make drug companies liable again.

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Why only vaccines without parental consent, why not all prescription drugs. Perhaps 1986 legislature explains this. The lack of liability is the root to this present evil. It has to be overturned if we are to regain medical freedom.

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These 'bills' are a disaster...our political system is being corrupted to work against us.

It's the same system in Australia, with bills being raised, pushed through the parliament, and then we have a law with onerous implications, e.g. the No Jab, No Pay/No Play coercive laws passed here from 2016, which press parents to be compliant to the ever-increasing vaccination schedule for children up to five years old, and undermining 'valid voluntary consent'.

The vaccination schedule has grown out of sight, with over 50 doses of vaccines for children now from childhood through to teenage years, including via multicomponent shots and revaccinations.

The schedule is awash with conflicts of interest, with the people influential on these products being added to the schedule often associated with Big Pharma.

We have to call this out and demand a review of the schedule, the insane Covid-19 response, including jabs for children from five years, is demanding the spotlight be shone on this area.

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No we cannot trust anyone or anything with our kids. Parents & grandparents have learned much from this. Where once upon a time we may not have as closely scrutinized medical/dental providers, educators and other influencers now we regard these “experts” with extreme skepticism. Anything they claim true is judged harshly and often dismissed outright. We have learned the buck stops with us and will remain there. Mess with our kids and you lose.

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Is there ANY area of policy or actual practice (regarding children's health) that we the people can reference as sound and successful? There is ZERO basis upon which to trust, so the blind faith is extortion of citizen's right to govern their bodies and lives. The overt obfuscation of hope for children with autism (global epidemic!) demonstrates the extent of the deceit and willful ignorance, that pervades due to collective denial of what is. But that can change as reality becomes undeniable! Want to help with that?

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The simple answer is NO. But the full answer is; H_ll No Government entity is trust worthy...PERIOD. This is from...A graduate of the school of hard knocks, first in my class...lol

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The Hep B shot at birth and the crippling Gardasil (HPV) jab are only 2 reasons, pre-"covid", to keep your children out of the hospital and away from pediatricians. Homebirths and homeschooling are the wave of the future to protect children off of the government grid.

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Jeffery, what you are doing, and the scope of your intellect and investigations, are beyond appreciated; my thanks and depth of gratitude cannot be adequately expressed. You, and those who you are associated with in this endeavor, are the great hopes I have for the continuing evolution of the quest to expose and cure medical tyranny under whose yoke we, the public, are currently burdened with. I wish you all the best. I look forward to your posts. Thank you.

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We cannot trust FORCE ever, we can only trust CHOICE. FORCE by its nature cannot be transparent, accountable, and honest. We the people must always reject force, mandates, extrajudicial enforcement, coercion and duress, in all things. We the people need to consider labeling them ForceVax and ForceMask, and make the issue about Force (tyranny) vs Choice (freedom). And @ChoiceVax as the antidote to ForceVax.

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Keep up the momentum started by Drs. Zelenko, McCollough, Malone, Tenpenny, Cole, Immanuel, Kory, Gold, Risch, Breggin, Yeadon and Marek and many others; America's Frontline Doctors and the truckers; Steve Kirsch, RFK Jr., Del Bigtree, Jefferey Jaxen, Steve Bannon, Reiner Fuellmich, Edward Dowd, Joe Rogan, Dr. Naomi Wolf, and Thomas Renz; and Sens. Johnson, Paul, and Cruz. Don't let the medical, political, and pharmaceutical crooks off the hook!

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