Discovering excessive government waste at the hands of USAID has been a recent scandal. Uncovering their covert influences to monopolize and align global news media messaging to regime-friendly narratives has ended an instrument of international U.S. soft power. USAID’s quarterbacking of domestic censorship infrastructure and ideology broke the public’s trust of this CIA cutout agency forever.
Yet few have tracked USAID’s hand in directly funding modern-day eugenics programs abroad for decades.
Linguistic symbolism has been effectively wielded as a cornerstone of elitist policymaker messaging on the public for centuries. Public-private synonyms have been used to disguise narratives.
For example, the the words ‘family planning’ also imply population control with eugenic roots in some circles. ‘Climate change’ also implies top-down consolidation of power for control of everything from society, industry and again, population. Even the ‘USAID’ abbreviation has become synonymous with duel-use CIA operations abroad.
Thus, under the guise of offering family planing and reproductive services, USAID gave countries U.S. taxpayer dollars to control population growth abroad. This fact, in and of itself, is not a new revelation. USAID’s own documentation states:
USAID Policy governing the use of Agency funds for sterilization provides that USAID funds can only be used to support voluntary sterilization activities if the following six conditions are met
‘Voluntary sterilization’ is were we find ourselves on the hair-splitting, slippery slope. Here’s where it gets shadowy. More than 270,000 women and 22,000 men were sterilized as part of a government-run birth control program between 1996 and 2000 in Peru according to official figures from Peru's health ministry.
The program was introduced as part of an anti-poverty drive, aimed at cutting birth rates among poor families and was funded to the tune of untold millions by both USAID the United Nations Population Fund.
Guess they accidentally forgot to get informed consent before the ‘voluntary’ sterilizations.
The Geneva-based UN committee on human rights deemed what happened in Peru amounted to sex-based violence and intersectional discrimination, particularly against Indigenous, rural, and economically disadvantaged women.
Peru’s then President Alberto Fujimori was the fall guy who did jail time for his human rights abuses despite evidence that USAID was directing the Peruvian health sector during the sterilization program for years.
Meanwhile, a report from the Government Accounting Office shows USAID spending from 2019-2022 of $2.03M to International Planned Parenthood Federation and $1.35M to MSI Reproductive Choices.
Now it’s time to revisit that duel-use languaging and the historic origins of Planned Parenthood and family planning operations.
It was 1916 in Brownsville, New York where Margaret Sanger opened the first birth control clinic at the peak of America’s ideological eugenic fever. In 1921, Sanger founded the American Birth Control League. By 1953, the American Birth Control League had evolved into Planned Parenthood Federation of America, and Sanger served as the first president.
Sanger was extremely outspoken about her views and aims. In her 1920 book titled Woman and the New Race she writes:
Birth control itself, often denounced as a violation of natural law, is nothing more or less than the facilitation of the process of weeding out the unfit, of preventing the birth of defectives or of those who will become defectives.
Here she is in an interview with Mike Wallace in 1957:
Sanger wasn’t just some crazy lady with wild ideas at the helm of Planned Parenthood. Below is an chart sent in 1969, three years after Sanger’s death, between Frederick Jaffe, the Executive Director of Planned Parenthood's Center for Family Planning Program Development to Bernard Berelson President of Rockefeller’s Population Council.
It chronicled some of the best practices being proposed at the time for ‘family planning.’
Beyond USAID, the roots of eugenics turned family planning has folded into the climate change narrative with headlines like these:
Despite all of our modern-day advancements and rapid moves to a future where AI does our jobs and humans are being promised a utopian existence, it’s important to always analyze the means and the end goals of such sweeping directions.
The web of eugenics is a colossal sin.