Dutch farmers are standing up against crippling, top-down government climate regulations. Scores of images and videos showing farmers, in their tractors, blocking roads, airports, distribution plants and now the German border as part of an ongoing protest against government attempts to reduce their livestock numbers and cut fertilizer allowances.
How did it get to this point?
In 2017, the European Union announced nature directives for the purpose of achieving Agenda 2030 goals, for ‘conservation and sustainable management’ of Europe’s most vulnerable species and natural habitats. Directives were to be achieved through designation and protection of areas of ‘high biodiversity value’ which form the Natura 2000 network. The Netherlands has 162 Natura 2000 areas/sites.
Landmark ruling that Holland must cut emissions to protect citizens from climate change upheld by supreme court was the 2019 headline ran by The Independent in which the highest court in the Netherlands upheld a landmark ruling that defines protection from the devastation of climate change as a human right and requires the government aggressively to set more ambitious targets to cut greenhouse gas emissions as a result.
With those two data points, the small, local family farmers were put firmly in the crosshairs of the climate reductionist combine to face the drastic cuts to greenhouse gases and huge reductions of nitrogen in the soil.
In June, The Associated Press reported on the Netherlands writing:
Calling it an “unavoidable transition,” the government mandated reductions in emissions of up to 70% in many places close to protected nature areas and as high as 95% in other places.
The ruling coalition earmarked an extra 24.3 billion euros ($25.6 billion) to finance changes that will likely make many farmers drastically reduce their number of livestock or to get rid of them altogether.”
In 2021 World Economic Forum ‘agenda contributor’ and Prime Minister of the Netherlands Mark Rutte committed his country to house the ‘Global Coordinating Secretariat’ of the WEF’s ‘Food Innovation Hubs.’

A side effect of Agenda 2030 is a war on food, the farmer and the food chain as we’ve known it, already brought to the surface by economically crippling Covid restrictions of the last two years, a war in Ukraine and soar gas prices.
A clean break through into the open air can now been seen with the agricultural powerhouse of the Netherlands being ground zero. Of the country’s total surface area, 54 percent (2.2 million hectares) is used as farmland making it an early target.
Agriculture, particularly small, independent farmers, are “a direct and indirect pathway to the social, economic, and environmental dimensions of sustainable development” stated the International Food Research Institute in its 2017 paper titled The Central Position of Agriculture within the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The institute goes on to say that agriculture, “more than any other sector, … is the common thread which holds the 17 [sustainable development goals of Agenda 2030] SDGs together”
Agriculture…Target acquired.
With scenes reminiscent of Canada’s Freedom Convoy against the government’s overreaching Covid restrictions, the Dutch Farmer’s protest has grown exponentially with massive support from the average Netherlandian citizen since initial protests just one short month ago in June when the hammer dropped.
The Dutch protests mark an unofficial pivot and global refocus from populations throwing off crippling and unscientific Covid restrictions to an arguably greater monster which has been growing for decades in the background.
The world is getting a look at the unsavory business end of the United Nation’s Agenda 2030. On the streets of the Netherlands, an underbelly is being laid bare to achieving a promised sustainable world through the feel good words of sustainable development – and it’s nothing short of classic feudalism behind the green mask.
Excellent piece. This is a pivotal struggle , building on the massive efforts of the Canadian Truckers. The people of the Netherlands must not let themselves be divided in this elemental fight against evil.
Unlike corporate solutions that are not sustainable we need small local farmers with sustainable practices such as permaculture types of agriculture to provide local food that doesn’t require the heavy costs of fuel to transport and the duplication of these practices throughout the world to achieve food security for all. All it takes is the will of the collective.